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Student Sustainability Summit

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How long should the presentation be?

Invited Speakers (typically professionals): Presentation duration of approximately 30 minutes.

Contributed Speakers (typically students): Presentation duration of approximately 10 minutes.

Depending on the topic, the presenter's convenience, and the total number of speakers this could be tweaked.

Would the presentation be only for the online event or also for the in-person event?

There would be presentations in both virtual and in-person events. In-person presentations are typically allotted for presenters from UMD and nearby locations. But, presenters from other locations are welcome to present if they wish to do so. The virtual event is designed to help make it easier for non-UMD presenters.

Will there be separate sessions for high school and college students, or will they all be mixed together?

As we are trying to introduce students from various backgrounds to sustainability, we believe that talks from various perspectives and topics would be really helpful. Hopefully, make students connect the dots and help them think in a way they did not know. One can understand that most topics would inherently be a technical session but it would be great if the presenter is mindful of the audience from different categories.

Do I need to have a finished or complete research project in order to present a poster?

Contrary to what is required of you by most research conferences, we want to emphasize the value of projects that are still “in process.” We understand that often times your results may not come when you expect them to, and do not want this to be a barrier for anyone who would like to converse with their peers on what they are trying to accomplish, because sometimes external input is even more valuable in the middle of your process then at the end of it. Sustainability for all, right?

When and Where will the conference be held?

The In-Person Conference will be held on April 13th, 2023 at the University of Maryland, College Park’s STAMP Colony Ballroom. The Virtual Conference will be held on April 15th, 2023 on the Zoom Events Platform. Times are TBD

How much does it cost to attend the conference?

Both the Virtual and In-person event is free for anyone to attend!

How can I submit a proposal to present at the conference?

Go to the “Apply to Present” tab to fill out a google form.

How do I register to attend the conference?

Click on the “Register For Free” (or “Register Now”) button to fill out a google form to register! (This will be updated to a direct Zoom Events RSVP Page around mid-March).

How can I get involved as a sponsor or partner for the conference?

Thank you for your interest in our event! Please contact us at StudentSustainabilitySummit@gmail.com for any potential partnerships or sponsorships. We hope to see you soon!

How can I stay updated on the latest conference news and announcements?

When you register on the google form, we will add you to our mailing list for any important news and announcements relating to the event.

What if I am not a student but still want to attend?

While our focus is on students, we welcome anyone to join and learn more about the topic of sustainability! When you register, just put in N/A for the institution section.

Don't see your question? Contact studentsustainabilitysummit@gmail.com

Join us in-person or virtually (or both). We can't wait to see you there!